Powered by MODIM Mérnöki Kft.
Headquarters: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy tér 7.
Company premises:
1113 Budapest, Karolina út 17/B.
4225 Debrecen, Róna utca 19.
Trade Registry Number: 01-09-945503
Tax number: 22936877-2-41
E-mail address: contact@modim.hu
Central telephone number: +36 (1) 780 4442
EU VAT Number: HU22936877
Statistical reference number: 22936877 7112 113 01
Hungarian Chamber of Engineers company registration number: C-13-001788
Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry company registration number: BU22936877
Service provider name: Rigó Ernő EV
Service provider address: 1093 Budapest, Lónyai u. 43.
Telephone: +36 20 520 9965
E-mail: erno@rigo.info
Web: https://rigo.info
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